The Truth about COVID-19 *(written March 2020)
Published in Massage & Bodywork Magazine, Special Issue March 2020 As epidemiologists, infectious disease specialists, and all manner of experts take to the airwaves to advise, admonish, and inform us, a lot of contradictory information is flying...
A Cautionary Tale
Published in Massage & Bodywork Magazine, March/April 2020 This does not invalidate the RCT as an important tool in research, but it does mean we need to proceed with caution, as it has been noted repeatedly that its purpose is to assist and support clinical...
From Socrates to Bodywork
Published in Massage & Bodywork Magazine, Jan/Feb 2020 I have a confession to make. I firmly believe that there is poetry in scientific research. Let me explain.
Editorials: Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies
In 2018, when her father Leon Chaitow became suddenly unwell, Sasha Chaitow was appointed Managing Editor of JBMT, the peer-reviewed, Medline indexed journal Leon had founded in 1996 as a multidisciplinary journal intended to build the evidence base for the...
Book Chapter: Saving the Lives of Angels: Redemption through the Arts
Saving the Lives of Angels: Redemption through the Arts in: Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over (ed by Cavan McLaughlin, Fulgur, 2019). Link to book: https://fulgur.co.uk/books/edited-by-cavan-mclaughlin/trans-states-art-crossing/?v=f214a7d42e0d This...
Portfolio: Salon de la Rose+Croix: the mystical artworks of Sasha Chaitow
A collection of fifteen art prints from the original coloured drawings and accompanying historical booklet, both by Sasha Chaitow PhD.

Book chapter: Return from Oblivion: Josephin Peladan’s Literary Esotericism
Following a justification of the term “literary esotericism” in the context of Modernist literature, I propose both possible ways forward in terms of methodology, as well as specific examples of potential future research in relation to Péladan that may hold import for the wider field.

Book chapter: Re-enchanting the Fin-de-siècle in PARIS 1900 (MISTERICA)
This book is born from the first edition of the seminar series ”A look at the end of the century” organized by the Autonomous University of Madrid and Heresy and Beauty Culture.

Research article: The Theodicy of Art: Peladan’s Promethean Lucifer
The monstrous Satan languishing in Dante’s Ninth Circle of Hell and Milton’s disgraced rebel angel may be among the most familiar forms given to Lucifer in Western culture, but from the eighteenth century onwards, a more Promethean figure emerged, whom many Romantic poets, artists and authors sought to redeem.

Article: Hidden in Plain Sight: Josephin Peladan’s Religion of Art
Published in Abraxas International Art Journal for Esoteric Studies #5 (London: Fulgur, 2014)Article written for Abraxas #5, with an overview of Péladan’s life and work, focusing particularly on the element of secrecy – and lack thereof – in his...