
Recent Work

Ecce femina, 2020

Hineni, 2020

The 'Seals of the Philosophers' project, 2020

 Sasha began training in fine art during her teens. Initially she trained in the workshops of Corfu artists Spyros Alamanos, Nerina Lymperopoulou, and Aggelos Gerakaris, and later she attended Vakalo School of Fine Art in Athens. She held her first solo exhibition in 2000, followed by four further exhibitions in her home town of Corfu, while continuing her academic studies in Communications and Literature. Sasha spent a decade in academia, studying the History of Culture and Western Esotericism, with the aim of better understanding the symbolic vocabularies embedded in esoteric traditions. During this “dry” artistic period she painted portraits on commission and began exploring Symbolism more systematically. She began painting and exhibiting regularly again in 2014, on the completion of her PhD. In the same year she began curating ICON Gallery in Corfu town, where she gathered and promoted local artists working in traditional media, alongside her own work. A series of international exhibitions and collaborations followed. In 2018 personal bereavement led to a temporary hiatus. Later that year Sasha began managing The Attic Gallery, the only contemporary private art gallery in Corfu Town, and new, fruitful collaborations emerged with artists from across Greece and further afield. Since 2020 Sasha began working on illustration projects for her own books as well as other material. A second family crisis and bereavement led to another hiatus in 2022-2024. As she recovers from difficult life events, Sasha looks forward to returning to existing illustration projects and producing fresh work in her neosymbolist style. 

Inside Sasha’s Studio: Winter 2016-17 – working on Stained by the Light series

Inside Sasha’s Studio: Winter 2016-17 – working on Stained by the Light series

The working title for my new collection sums up what happens when I go off to pick a fight with another angel, as I do without fail almost every night. Several strands of inspiration coagulate in my new collection: the power of letters, words, and ancient scripts; the central notion of metamorphosis and initiation expressed through a literal interpretation of the collection title; the use of antique and emblematic symbolism inspired by Renaissance art, all heavily influenced by the subversive power of street art.

Στο ατελιέ της Σάσσας: Χειμώνας 2017 και η νέα συλλογή «Λερωμένη από Φως»

Στο ατελιέ της Σάσσας: Χειμώνας 2017 και η νέα συλλογή «Λερωμένη από Φως»

Είναι αρκετά τα νήματα έμπνευσης που συνευρίσκονται στη νέα μου συλλογή: η δύναμη των γραμμάτων, των λέξεων, των αρχαίων αλφαβήτων, η κεντρική έννοια της μεταμόρφωσης και της μύησης, τα αρχαία και εμβληματικά σύμβολα, και μια έντονη επιρροή από την τέχνη του δρόμου.

Peladan Illustrated: Saving the Lives of Angels art show 2016

Peladan Illustrated: Saving the Lives of Angels art show 2016

Ever since beginning my research on Peladan’s life and work, I had always envisioned an art collection inspired by his esoteric-aesthetic theory. Organising my time has been challenging, since I continue to create exclusive collections for ICON Gallery,...

Saints of the Word exhibition – lecture tour in Sweden & Denmark 2015

Saints of the Word exhibition – lecture tour in Sweden & Denmark 2015

Some months ago I received an invitation to Aarhus University to speak on Péladan's literature and "esoteric modernism" at a closed symposium with scholars doing some incredibly exciting work in this area, breaking new ground on possible interdisciplinary approaches...

The Occult Power of Greek Icons – Treadwell’s lecture 2015

The Occult Power of Greek Icons – Treadwell’s lecture 2015

Friends who know me from other (academic or social) contexts may have been a bit surprised to see me opening a gallery mainly focused on Greek sacred art earlier this year, but there is a host of reasons why this particular artform captured my attention, as I explain...

New alchemical art collection: The Seals of the Philosophers

New art collectionThe Seals of the Philosophers Opus Medico-Chymicum: tertius Basilica PhilosophicaThis series of emblems comprises 160 separate images, deriving from Johannes Mylius' vast compendium spanning over 3000 pages. Each emblem is dedicated to a historical...

Participation in “New Symbols” exhibition, Athens

I was also deeply honoured to see Hineni highlighted and discussed by art critic Stella Sevastopoulos in the only English-language review of the Athens art scene, in an overall deeply insightful and observant review of the exhibition.  The New Symbols project is one...

Art in dark places

want of trying. Yet I saw things in that abyss that should never be spoken of except in warning. So those paintings will never be created. Late in 2019 I finally found time to sit down at the easel, following a monumental blow that added insult to injury following my...

Portfolio: Salon de la Rose+Croix: the mystical artworks of Sasha Chaitow

A collection of fifteen art prints from the original coloured drawings and accompanying historical booklet, both by Sasha Chaitow PhD.

Les bijoux de la Rose +Croix

The 27th June 2018 marked the centenary of the death of Josephin Peladan, the mysterious French visionary author who dreamed of igniting a cultural renaissance through symbolic art containing esoteric messages and who masterminded the Salons de la Rose + Croix....

The Peladan Centenary Collection 1918-2018

27th June 2018 marked the centenary of the death of Josephin Peladan, the mysterious French visionary author who dreamed of igniting a cultural renaissance through symbolic art containing esoteric messages and who masterminded the Salons de la Rose + Croix. Regular...

Stained by the Light II & ART = PRAXIS Symposium | Glastonbury 2017

Stained by the Light II 2017 was Sasha Chaitow’s new solo exhibition of neosymbolist art, accompanied by music written for the paintings, and a one-day symposium of talks by scholars and artists “Art = Praxis”. The exhibition was hosted at Glastonbury Galleries...

Stained by the Light I | Sasha Chaitow’s 2017 art exhibition | A virtual visit to the Corfu show

Sasha Chaitow’s exhibition of melodized neosymbolist art “Stained by the Light I”, Corfu Reading Society, May 2017

Studio shots – Sasha at the easel

For those interested in technique; three short videos of me at the easel, working on paintings for the Stained by the Light collection.

“The Greater Perfect System” (Studio visit #1-Stained by the Light collection)

From Sasha Chaitow’s studio: a video talking about the ideas behind her 2017 art collection, featuring the painting “The Greater Perfect System” – an ode to the power of music and geometry.

Inside Sasha’s Studio: Winter 2016-17 – working on Stained by the Light series

The working title for my new collection sums up what happens when I go off to pick a fight with another angel, as I do without fail almost every night. Several strands of inspiration coagulate in my new collection: the power of letters, words, and ancient scripts; the central notion of metamorphosis and initiation expressed through a literal interpretation of the collection title; the use of antique and emblematic symbolism inspired by Renaissance art, all heavily influenced by the subversive power of street art.

Στο ατελιέ της Σάσσας: Χειμώνας 2017 και η νέα συλλογή «Λερωμένη από Φως»

Είναι αρκετά τα νήματα έμπνευσης που συνευρίσκονται στη νέα μου συλλογή: η δύναμη των γραμμάτων, των λέξεων, των αρχαίων αλφαβήτων, η κεντρική έννοια της μεταμόρφωσης και της μύησης, τα αρχαία και εμβληματικά σύμβολα, και μια έντονη επιρροή από την τέχνη του δρόμου.

Peladan Illustrated: Saving the Lives of Angels art show 2016

Ever since beginning my research on Peladan’s life and work, I had always envisioned an art collection inspired by his esoteric-aesthetic theory. Organising my time has been challenging, since I continue to create exclusive collections for ICON Gallery,...

Saving the Lives of Angels – Sasha’s UK exhibition & lecture schedule

My visual narration of the Fall legend according to the vision of a forgotten enfant terrible of Western esotericism.

Studio Visit : Creating sacred art in Corfu, Winter 2015


Saints of the Word exhibition – lecture tour in Sweden & Denmark 2015

Some months ago I received an invitation to Aarhus University to speak on Péladan's literature and "esoteric modernism" at a closed symposium with scholars doing some incredibly exciting work in this area, breaking new ground on possible interdisciplinary approaches...

The Occult Power of Greek Icons – Treadwell’s lecture 2015

Friends who know me from other (academic or social) contexts may have been a bit surprised to see me opening a gallery mainly focused on Greek sacred art earlier this year, but there is a host of reasons why this particular artform captured my attention, as I explain...

ICON Gallery and Greek Sacred Art – via Péladan and Plato

How I went from Péladan to Greek icons…. and why they’re of interest to the esoteric-academic sphere

Recent talk on Péladan at Treadwell’s

Joséphin Péladan: Eccentric buffoon, misunderstood genius, Platonic Symbolist, charlatan, madman, or visionary?

2014: London lecture on Péladan

 I'm very much looking forward to September when I'll be spending some time in the UK, and will be doing a talk at one of my favourite places, Treadwell's bookshop, on Monday 15th September. Click here to book a seat (space is limited). Description: “Art is a...

ΕΚΘΕΣΗ: Η Πόλη-Μητρόπολη Μοναχικά Γιορτάζει

Γυαλιστερά φωτάκια, πρασινοκόκκινα ξωτικά και χιονονιφάδες γεμίζουν σιγά σιγά την καθημερινότητα σε μια προσπάθεια εξορκισμού της παγωνιάς - σύμφωνα με κάποιους, ενώ για άλλους οι Χριστουγεννιάτικοι εορτασμοί και τα στολισμένα μπαλκόνια φέρνουν μόνο μελαγχολία,...

For Beauty and the Spirit in Art: 1st Neo-Symbolist Salon, Madrid 2013

Underground “artists of the soul” gather in Madrid this winter to revive the visual language of the fin-de-siecle in a new counter-culture of Beauty.