I was also deeply honoured to see Hineni highlighted and discussed by art critic Stella Sevastopoulos in the only English-language review of the Athens art scene, in an overall deeply insightful and observant review of the exhibition.
The New Symbols project is one of several parallel ongoing collaborative projects by one of Greece’s most active and innovative curators. The catalogue of the exhibition is available here.
I’m delighted to have had my work selected and featured in the group exhibition “New Symbols,” curated by Paris Kapralos and Iason Kaerofyllas.
I’m participating with four works, of which one, Hineni, (pictured here) marks my return to painting after a long hiatus. It’s no secret that I used art for therapeutic purposes probably for the first time in my life, and Hineni was the first painting to emerge from that process in the first few days of 2020. The other paintings are a triptych, collectively entitled Learning the Language of the Birds, from my 2017 Stained by the Light collection.
My artist statement accompanying the paintings read:
Loss and mourning can never be fully depicted, neither with brushes nor with words. They leave a bloody hole in the chest to which only a primal howl of agony can do justice. Even so, darkness does contain all possibilities, and somewhere among them, there is also life, there is also a pathway. With nature and art as supplies, that darkness gestates hope.

New alchemical art collection: The Seals of the Philosophers
by Sasha Chaitow | 24/08/2020 | Art blog, News | 0 Comments
Art in dark places
by Sasha Chaitow | 22/05/2020 | Art blog, in memoriam, News | 0 Comments
Portfolio: Salon de la Rose+Croix: the mystical artworks of Sasha Chaitow
by Sasha Chaitow | 07/08/2018 | Art blog, News, Writing | 0 Comments
Les bijoux de la Rose +Croix
by Sasha Chaitow | 07/07/2018 | Art blog, News | 0 Comments
The Peladan Centenary Collection 1918-2018
by Sasha Chaitow | 07/07/2018 | Art 2018, Art blog, English only | 0 Comments
Stained by the Light II & ART = PRAXIS Symposium | Glastonbury 2017
by Sasha Chaitow | 04/12/2017 | Art 2017, Art blog, English only, Events, Videos | 0 Comments
Stained by the Light I | Sasha Chaitow’s 2017 art exhibition | A virtual visit to the Corfu show
by Sasha Chaitow | 16/06/2017 | Art 2017, Art blog, English only | 0 Comments
Sasha Chaitow’s exhibition of melodized neosymbolist art “Stained by the Light I”, Corfu Reading Society, May 2017
Ρεπορτάζ από το Corfu TV για την έκθεση Λερωμένη από το Φως
by Sasha Chaitow | 23/05/2017 | Art blog, Greek-Ελληνικά, Videos | 0 Comments
Studio shots – Sasha at the easel
by Sasha Chaitow | 13/03/2017 | Art 2017, Art blog, Videos | 0 Comments
“The Greater Perfect System” (Studio visit #1-Stained by the Light collection)
by Sasha Chaitow | 22/02/2017 | Art 2017, Art blog, English only, Videos | 0 Comments
From Sasha Chaitow’s studio: a video talking about the ideas behind her 2017 art collection, featuring the painting “The Greater Perfect System” – an ode to the power of music and geometry.
Inside Sasha’s Studio: Winter 2016-17 – working on Stained by the Light series
by Sasha Chaitow | 24/01/2017 | Art 2017, Art blog, English only | 0 Comments
The working title for my new collection sums up what happens when I go off to pick a fight with another angel, as I do without fail almost every night. Several strands of inspiration coagulate in my new collection: the power of letters, words, and ancient scripts; the central notion of metamorphosis and initiation expressed through a literal interpretation of the collection title; the use of antique and emblematic symbolism inspired by Renaissance art, all heavily influenced by the subversive power of street art.
Στο ατελιέ της Σάσσας: Χειμώνας 2017 και η νέα συλλογή «Λερωμένη από Φως»
by Sasha Chaitow | 24/01/2017 | Art 2017, Art blog, Greek-Ελληνικά, Ελληνική Αρθρογραφία | 0 Comments
Είναι αρκετά τα νήματα έμπνευσης που συνευρίσκονται στη νέα μου συλλογή: η δύναμη των γραμμάτων, των λέξεων, των αρχαίων αλφαβήτων, η κεντρική έννοια της μεταμόρφωσης και της μύησης, τα αρχαία και εμβληματικά σύμβολα, και μια έντονη επιρροή από την τέχνη του δρόμου.
Peladan Illustrated: Saving the Lives of Angels art show 2016
by Sasha Chaitow | 24/09/2016 | Art blog, News | 0 Comments
Saving the Lives of Angels – Sasha’s UK exhibition & lecture schedule
by Sasha Chaitow | 20/08/2016 | Art 2016, Art blog, English only | 0 Comments
My visual narration of the Fall legend according to the vision of a forgotten enfant terrible of Western esotericism.
Alchemical bestiary collection 2016
by Sasha Chaitow | 01/06/2016 | Art 2016, Art blog | 0 Comments
Studio Visit : Creating sacred art in Corfu, Winter 2015
by Sasha Chaitow | 15/02/2016 | Art blog, English only, Videos | 0 Comments
Saints of the Word exhibition – lecture tour in Sweden & Denmark 2015
by Sasha Chaitow | 22/10/2015 | Academic, Art 2015, Art blog, English only, Philosophy Lectures | 0 Comments
The Occult Power of Greek Icons – Treadwell’s lecture 2015
by Sasha Chaitow | 18/07/2015 | Academic, Art 2015, Art blog, English only, Philosophy Lectures | 0 Comments
ICON Gallery and Greek Sacred Art – via Péladan and Plato
by Sasha Chaitow | 31/05/2015 | Art 2015, Art blog, English only, Icon Gallery 2014-2016 | 0 Comments
How I went from Péladan to Greek icons…. and why they’re of interest to the esoteric-academic sphere
Recent talk on Péladan at Treadwell’s
by Sasha Chaitow | 17/09/2014 | Academic, Art blog, English only, Philosophy Lectures | 0 Comments
Joséphin Péladan: Eccentric buffoon, misunderstood genius, Platonic Symbolist, charlatan, madman, or visionary?
2014: London lecture on Péladan
by Sasha Chaitow | 05/08/2014 | Academic, Art blog, English only, Philosophy Lectures | 0 Comments
ΕΚΘΕΣΗ: Η Πόλη-Μητρόπολη Μοναχικά Γιορτάζει
by Sasha Chaitow | 02/01/2014 | Art blog, Ελληνική Αρθρογραφία, Κριτικές βιβλίων & εκθέσεων | 0 Comments
For Beauty and the Spirit in Art: 1st Neo-Symbolist Salon, Madrid 2013
by Sasha Chaitow | 07/10/2013 | Art blog, Philosophy Lectures | 0 Comments
Underground “artists of the soul” gather in Madrid this winter to revive the visual language of the fin-de-siecle in a new counter-culture of Beauty.
Making the invisible visible: The Peladan Project (2013)
by Sasha Chaitow | 28/08/2013 | Academic, Art blog | 0 Comments
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