I’m delighted to announce that my brand new translation of the Hieroglyphica of Horapollon with scholarly commentary is now in preparation with Black Letter Press. Alice and Clavdio Rocchetti are working their magic, and the book should be going to print in the next month or so.

Pop over to my Substack here to discover how this project came about, a lengthy excerpt on allegory and how it rescued pagan myths from oblivion, and an outtake on the pagan answer to Jesus that I could not expand on in the book!

I’ve reached out to a number of scholars and other specialists for comment, here is their feedback thus far:

The Hieroglyphica is a literary enigma that belongs beside the Hermetica and the Orphic Hymns. Like them it claims to be a transmission of ancient wisdom but was actually written down much later. Allegedly a dictionary of the meaning of hieroglyphics, each entry is a little poetic masterpiece, especially in Sasha Chaitow’s splendid new translation, now the standard for this work. At the nexus of the beauty of poetry and of the observation of human nature and of the patterns of life, in which it resembles the Yi Jing, the Hieroglyphica is a course in the understanding of symbology and folklore. Sasha provides deep insights and fascinating details in a wonderful display of scholarly skills that spans disciplines. Her writing sparkles with wit and elegant turns of phrase, and like the Hieroglyphica itself, with an uncommon common sense.

Ronnie Pontiac
Author of American Metaphysical Religion: Esoteric and Mystical Traditions of the New World

With this English translation directly from the Greek original, Sasha Chaitow breathes new life into the Hieroglyphica. Praise should be given not just for the translation but also for Sasha’s dismantling of long-standing biases that have obscured our understanding of the Hieroglyphica and, more broadly, the intellectual and religious complexities of late antique Greco-Egyptian thought. 

Sasha confronts the rigid boundaries within classical, Byzantine, and modern Greek studies, showing how these artificial divisions have confused the understanding of the Hieroglyphica, a work that resists reductive categorization. By breaking down these barriers, Sasha contributes to understanding Greco-Egyptian intellectual and religious history during Late Antiquity. Thus the Hieroglyphica can be studied in the full richness of its historical and intellectual context.

Angelo Nasios
Historian and Host of Hearth of Hellenism Podcast

For modern readers to make sense of the Hieroglyphica, a text written for and consumed within a culture far removed from our own, a guide is essential. This richly annotated translation, brimming with erudition, opens the door to a foreign and fascinating world.

Olav Hammer
Professor Emeritus, University of Southern Denmark

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