Magic in Modern Greek Culture

Magic in Modern Greek Culture

Magic in modern Greece was the PhD I didn’t get to do, because I was encouraged in a different direction and ended up specialising in the French Occult Revival.Nevertheless, it is a phenomenon and topic area interwoven throughout my culture, deeply influencing various...
New Book! Son of Prometheus

New Book! Son of Prometheus

Highly anticipated and certainly overdue, I am delighted to announce the publication of my book Son of Prometheus: The Life and Work of Joséphin Péladan by Theion Publishing. The Standard Edition The Auric Edition (sold out) Dedication page Unboxing! Unboxing 2 Based...
Intelligent Fascia?

Intelligent Fascia?

Published in Massage & Bodywork Magazine, November/December 2020 Once we are aware that we are in fact only one link in a long debate that has been repeated many times before, we can compare contexts and see where we may do things more constructively. We need to...
New book: Atalanta Unveiled

New book: Atalanta Unveiled

New book Atalanta Unveiled by Sasha Chaitow Atalanta Unveiled: Alchemical Initiation in the Emblems of the Atalanta FugiensDubbed ‘the most prominent alchemical physician in Germany since Paracelsus,’ Michael Maier was Royal Physician and Count Palatine to Holy Roman...