ONLINE COURSE: Péladan & Self-Initiation

ONLINE COURSE: Péladan & Self-Initiation

The late 19th-century Parisian occult community gave birth to an extraordinary initiatory system, hidden and obscure – until now. Joséphin Péladan (1858 –  1918) created a program for esoteric self transformation centred upon artistic creativity, personal...
Narrative Medicine in Practice

Narrative Medicine in Practice

Published in Massage & Bodywork Magazine, September/October 2021 This is the third in a series of four articles on narrative-based medicine, a protocol for building the therapeutic alliance that rests on holistic principles and addresses shortcomings in the...
New Year 2021 lectures

New Year 2021 lectures

I’m delighted to be returning to Treadwell’s in the New Year (albeit virtually) for a series of live lectures that will span through to the Spring. First, two standalone lectures based on my recent books: Atalanta Unveiled, and my PhD dissertation on...