4 books on Péladan lined up
After a long, long gestation, I’m delighted to announce that my research study of Péladan, drawn from my PhD thesis, will be published in July 2022 by Theion Publishing! This is the first of four books I will be publishing with Theion. Entitled Son of...
New book: Atalanta Unveiled
New book Atalanta Unveiled by Sasha Chaitow Atalanta Unveiled: Alchemical Initiation in the Emblems of the Atalanta FugiensDubbed ‘the most prominent alchemical physician in Germany since Paracelsus,’ Michael Maier was Royal Physician and Count Palatine to Holy Roman...
Book Chapter: Saving the Lives of Angels: Redemption through the Arts
Saving the Lives of Angels: Redemption through the Arts in: Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over (ed by Cavan McLaughlin, Fulgur, 2019). Link to book: https://fulgur.co.uk/books/edited-by-cavan-mclaughlin/trans-states-art-crossing/?v=f214a7d42e0d This...
Book chapter: Return from Oblivion: Josephin Peladan’s Literary Esotericism
Following a justification of the term “literary esotericism” in the context of Modernist literature, I propose both possible ways forward in terms of methodology, as well as specific examples of potential future research in relation to Péladan that may hold import for the wider field.

Book chapter: Re-enchanting the Fin-de-siècle in PARIS 1900 (MISTERICA)
This book is born from the first edition of the seminar series ”A look at the end of the century” organized by the Autonomous University of Madrid and Heresy and Beauty Culture.