by Sasha Chaitow | Jan 24, 2017 | Art 2017, Art blog, Greek-Ελληνικά, Ελληνική Αρθρογραφία
Είναι αρκετά τα νήματα έμπνευσης που συνευρίσκονται στη νέα μου συλλογή: η δύναμη των γραμμάτων, των λέξεων, των αρχαίων αλφαβήτων, η κεντρική έννοια της μεταμόρφωσης και της μύησης, τα αρχαία και εμβληματικά σύμβολα, και μια έντονη επιρροή από την τέχνη του δρόμου.
by Sasha Chaitow | Sep 24, 2016 | Art blog, News
Ever since beginning my research on Peladan’s life and work, I had always envisioned an art collection inspired by his esoteric-aesthetic theory. Organising my time has been challenging, since I continue to create exclusive collections for ICON Gallery,...
by Sasha Chaitow | Aug 20, 2016 | Art 2016, Art blog, English only
My visual narration of the Fall legend according to the vision of a forgotten enfant terrible of Western esotericism.
by Sasha Chaitow | Jun 1, 2016 | Art 2016, Art blog
by Sasha Chaitow | Feb 15, 2016 | Art blog, English only, Videos
by Sasha Chaitow | Oct 22, 2015 | Academic, Art 2015, Art blog, English only, Philosophy Lectures
Some months ago I received an invitation to Aarhus University to speak on Péladan’s literature and “esoteric modernism” at a closed symposium with scholars doing some incredibly exciting work in this area, breaking new ground on possible...
by Sasha Chaitow | Jul 18, 2015 | Academic, Art 2015, Art blog, English only, Philosophy Lectures
Friends who know me from other (academic or social) contexts may have been a bit surprised to see me opening a gallery mainly focused on Greek sacred art earlier this year, but there is a host of reasons why this particular artform captured my attention, as I explain...
by Sasha Chaitow | May 31, 2015 | Art 2015, Art blog, English only, Icon Gallery 2014-2016
How I went from Péladan to Greek icons…. and why they’re of interest to the esoteric-academic sphere
by Sasha Chaitow | Sep 17, 2014 | Academic, Art blog, English only, Philosophy Lectures
Joséphin Péladan: Eccentric buffoon, misunderstood genius, Platonic Symbolist, charlatan, madman, or visionary?
by Sasha Chaitow | Aug 5, 2014 | Academic, Art blog, English only, Philosophy Lectures
I’m very much looking forward to September when I’ll be spending some time in the UK, and will be doing a talk at one of my favourite places, Treadwell’s bookshop, on Monday 15th September. Click here to book a seat (space is limited)....
by Sasha Chaitow | Jan 2, 2014 | Art blog, Ελληνική Αρθρογραφία, Κριτικές βιβλίων & εκθέσεων
Γυαλιστερά φωτάκια, πρασινοκόκκινα ξωτικά και χιονονιφάδες γεμίζουν σιγά σιγά την καθημερινότητα σε μια προσπάθεια εξορκισμού της παγωνιάς – σύμφωνα με κάποιους, ενώ για άλλους οι Χριστουγεννιάτικοι εορτασμοί και τα στολισμένα μπαλκόνια φέρνουν μόνο μελαγχολία,...
by Sasha Chaitow | Oct 7, 2013 | Art blog, Philosophy Lectures
Underground “artists of the soul” gather in Madrid this winter to revive the visual language of the fin-de-siecle in a new counter-culture of Beauty.