Stained by the Light I | Sasha Chaitow’s 2017 art exhibition | A virtual visit to the Corfu show
Sasha Chaitow’s exhibition of melodized neosymbolist art “Stained by the Light I”, Corfu Reading Society, May 2017

Studio shots – Sasha at the easel
For those interested in technique; three short videos of me at the easel, working on paintings for the Stained by the Light collection.
“The Greater Perfect System” (Studio visit #1-Stained by the Light collection)
From Sasha Chaitow’s studio: a video talking about the ideas behind her 2017 art collection, featuring the painting “The Greater Perfect System” – an ode to the power of music and geometry.

Inside Sasha’s Studio: Winter 2016-17 – working on Stained by the Light series
The working title for my new collection sums up what happens when I go off to pick a fight with another angel, as I do without fail almost every night. Several strands of inspiration coagulate in my new collection: the power of letters, words, and ancient scripts; the central notion of metamorphosis and initiation expressed through a literal interpretation of the collection title; the use of antique and emblematic symbolism inspired by Renaissance art, all heavily influenced by the subversive power of street art.

Στο ατελιέ της Σάσσας: Χειμώνας 2017 και η νέα συλλογή «Λερωμένη από Φως»
Είναι αρκετά τα νήματα έμπνευσης που συνευρίσκονται στη νέα μου συλλογή: η δύναμη των γραμμάτων, των λέξεων, των αρχαίων αλφαβήτων, η κεντρική έννοια της μεταμόρφωσης και της μύησης, τα αρχαία και εμβληματικά σύμβολα, και μια έντονη επιρροή από την τέχνη του δρόμου.