Sasha Chaitow, MA, MA, PhD is a cultural historian, an educator, a writer and an artist.
Over the last 20 years she has developed successful parallel careers in education, as an event manager/curator, in academic publishing, and as an independent artist, author, and public speaker. Her activities include:
- teaching research literacy and academic writing in several fields
- developing and delivering CPD courses in critical thinking and inquiry
- course development for teachers and tutors in secondary and tertiary education
- lecturing and publishing in her field
- various roles within academic publishing
- investigative journalism
- international exhibitions, lectures, conference & event organisation.
She has published three books based on her research, is working on five more (all contracted), and has also published extensively in peer-reviewed journals as well as magazines and professional journals. She has lectured internationally at universities and conferences and organised numerous academic conferences and symposia. In parallel, she has produced 14 solo art exhibitions in the UK, Greece, and Sweden and participated in several group exhibitions.
Sasha worked closely with her father Leon Chaitow, a world-renowned osteopath and naturopath in the last ten years, with regard to both education and translational research. She received his final instructions and wishes with regard to the management of his literary legacy comprising over 80 books and textbooks.
Between 2018-2020 Sasha worked as Managing Editor for the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (Elsevier), and in 2019 she was named Series Editor for Elsevier’s “Leon Chaitow Library of Bodywork and Movement Therapies,” overseeing the revisions of her father’s books.
She remains active in all her fields of interest, using a project-based approach to develop her various activities. Her current (2024) areas of focus include working on her father’s books; completing contracted books of her own; extensive teaching and speaking engagements; and, continuing research into the history of science and the reception of Greek language and culture.
Current February 2024
Solo Exhibitions
December 2022: Son of Prometheus. Treadwell’s, London.
2018, London, UK
Bijoux de la Rose-Croix
Crypt Gallery
2017 Glastonbury UK
Stained by the Light II
Glastonbury Galleries
2017 Corfu, Greece
Stained by the Light I
Corfu Reading Society
2016 London UK
Saving the Lives of Angels
Treadwell’s of London
2015 Lund & Gothenburg, Sweden
Saints of the Word
2015 London UK
Occult Icons
Treadwell’s of London
2009 Athens, Greece
Titans bearing Gifts
University of Indianapolis Cultural Centre
2004 Corfu, Greece,
A Child of Earth I Am
Corfu Palace Hotel
2003 Athens, Greece
Paradise Lost II
Cyprus Cultural Centre
2003 Corfu, Greece
Paradise Lost I
Art Cafe
2001 Corfu, Greece
Window on the World
Art Cafe
2000 Corfu, Greece
Inner Mirrors
French Institute
Group Exhibitions
2021 “Ink on Paper”
Chili Art Gallery
2021 “Art Thessaloniki Fair” (Chili Art gallery, curated by Paris Kapralos)
2020 “New Symbols”
Chili Art Gallery
Curated by Paris Kapralos & Jason Kairofyllas
2019 “Human Traces”
Chili Art Gallery Athens
Curated by Paris Kapralos & Jason Kairofyllas
2016 “Trans-States I”
University of Northampton
Curated by Cavan McLaughlin
2014 “Arts Revolution – Cultural Salon,” Plous Cultural Space, Corfu, Curated by Sasha Chaitow
2013 “The Lonely Metropolis Celebrates Alone”AshinArt, Athens
Curated by Maria Aivaliotis
2013 “1st Neosymbolist Salon,” Corrala Museum of Art, Madrid, Curated by Pedro Ortega
2004 “Angels at Play – Tribute to Angels”
Dadaist, Athens
Curated by Mary Vareli / Paradox Ethereal
More art>>
Forthcoming Books
2025: (Ed.) Recognising and Treating Breathing Pattern Disorders, 3e, Elsevier.
2025: (Ed; trans.) The Hieroglyphics of Horapollo, new annotated edition, Black Letter Press.
2025: (Ed; trans.) Péladan Anthology: Volume 1, Theion Publishing.
2026: (ed; trans.) Peladan Anthology: Volume 2, Theion Publishing.
2027: (ed; trans.) Peladan Anthology: Volume 3, Theion Publishing.
Published Books
2022: (Ed.) Chaitow’s Muscle Energy Techniques, 5e (Editor, with Sandy Fritz), Elsevier.
2022: Son of Prometheus: The Life and Work of Joséphin Péladan Theion Publishing.
2020 Atalanta Unveiled: Alchemical Initiation in the Emblems of Atalanta Fugiens
Attic Books / Lulu
2018 Salon de la Rose+Croix: The Mystical artworks of Sasha Chaitow
Hellfire Club Books
2013/2016 Joséphin Péladan: A Babylonian Mage in 19th Century Paris
Daedaleos Press, 2013; Alloste Books, 2016. (in Greek).
Book Chapters
2022 4 chapters in “Soft Tissue Techniques for Physiotherapists,” K. Fousekis ed., Broken Hill Publishers/Paschalides, Cyprus/Athens
2019 “Saving The Lives of Angels: Joséphin Péladan’s vision for redemption” in Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over, ed. by Cavan McLaughlin. Fulgur Press
2018 “Re-enchanting the Fin-de-Siècle,” in Paris 1900, ed. by Pedro Ortega. Misterica Press (in Spanish)
2018 “Return from Oblivion: Joséphin Péladan’s Literary Esotericism,” in The Occult in Modernist Art, Literature, and Cinema, ed. by Tessel Bauduin & Henrik Johnsson, Palgrave Macmillan.
2013 “Joséphin Péladan’s vision of ensouled art,” Exhibition Catalogue: 1st NeoSymbolist Salon, ed. by Pedro Ortega, published by the Autonomous University of Madrid. (In Spanish).
2012 “Hellenic Pagan Revivalist Movements and Right-Wing Politics” in Studies in Esotericism: Esotericism, Religion, and Politics, 3rd edn, ed by Arthur Versluis, Michigan State University Press.
2012 “Jacob Boehme,” and “Giordano Bruno,” in 20 Great Teachers of Civilization, Salonica: Archetypo Books.
2010 “Building Bridges: Implications and Responsibilities of Studying Esotericism in the 21st Century” in Proceedings of the 3rd Int’l Conference of Mystic and Esoteric Movements in Theory and Practice: Studying Interpretations of Esotericism and Mysticism. Vladimir State University, Russia (in Russian).
2009 “Understanding and using Intuitive Faculties,” and “Synesthesia,” in Palpation and Assessment Skills ed. by Leon Chaitow, 3rd edition (Elsevier); 4th edition (Handspring).
2009 4 chapters in Freemasonry: The Largest Initiatory System in the World, Salonica: Archetypo Books.
2020- “Somatic Research” bimonthly education column for Massage & Bodywork Magazine
2018-2019 Lead Editorial for Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (Elsevier)
2018 “The Theodicy of Art: Péladan’s Promethean Lucifer,” La Rosa di Paracelso (Mimesis Edizione, Italy)
2014 “Hidden in Plain Sight: Joséphin Péladan’s Religion of Art,” Abraxas International Journal of Esoteric Studies #5, Fulgur Press.
2014 “Making the Invisible Visible: Péladan’s Artistic Revolution meets the 21st Century,” The Fenris Wolf Journal #7, ed. by Carl Abrahamsson, Edda Press, Stockholm.
2013 “Mages and Fairies: Joséphin Péladan’s Initiation for the Masses,” The Pomegranate International Journal of Pagan Studies, Equinox, UK.
2013 “Legends of the Fall Retold” Péladan’s Luciferianism,” The Fenris Wolf #6, Ed. by Carl Abrahamsson, Edda Press, Stockholm.
2021-2: Guest Editor: Special Issue of The Pomegranate International Journal of Pagan Studies: Pagan Responses to Health and Disease
2019- Series Editor, “The Leon Chaitow Library of Bodywork and Movement Therapies,” Elsevier
2018-2020 Managing Editor, Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Elsevier
Multiple articles for:
2008-2010 Avaton Magazine (monthly periodical on culture & spirituality, Greece
2010-2014 Phenomena Magazine (monthly cultural / historical periodical published by Eleftheros Typos, Greek national daily)
2014 Kathimerini Enimerosi (daily Corfu newspaper)
Upcoming 2024:
28 Feb 2024: Art Begins where Life Ends: Josephin Peladan and the Power of Symbolic Art. The Last Tuesday Society & Viktor Wynd Museum.
May 2024: Péladan and Community Building. Annual Conclave Conference, Apostolic Johannite Church (online).
2022: Symbolic Vocabularies. Morbid Anatomy, New York (online).
2021: Insights from Leon Chaitow: The Legacy of a Dedicated Osteopath. CIVO International Congress, Chile.
2021: “Saving the Lives of Angels: Joséphin Péladan’s Vision for Redemption through the Arts,” Treadwell’s
2021: “Atalanta Unveiled: Decoding the Atalanta Fugiens and its path to self-initiation“, Treadwell’s.
2021: “Joséphin Péladan and his vision for a spiritual revolution through art,” Sapere Aude Lecture series.
2021: “Making the invisible visible: Symbolist art as a way of life,” Sapere Aude Lecture Series
2020 “Count Michael Maier’s alchemical emblems,” Sapere Aude lecture series (online).
2020 “Alchemy, Initiation, and the Hieroglyphs of Nature,” Sapere Aude Lecture series (online)
2020 “Alchemical Imagery and Classical Myth,” Sapere Aude Lecture series (online)
2020 “Esoteric art and literature as vehicles for change: Joséphin Péladan’s plot for a spiritual revolution,” Invited guest lecture for doctoral workshop, ETH University of Zurich
2020 Alchemy, Initiation, and the Hieroglyphs of Nature – Invited lecture for LLOTO-Minneapolis
2020 “Uncertainty is OK: Developing Resilience and Thriving in the New Normal”, Keynote Speech, ASCP Skin Care School Forum.
2019 “Image and Logos: Symbolic Vocabularies and Inspired Revelations,” Trans-States Conference #2, University of Northampton.
2017 “Ideasthesia and how art changes us,” Art vs. Praxis Symposium, Glastonbury Experience, UK
2016 “Saving the Lives of Angels: Redemption through the Arts,” Trans-States Conference 1, University of Northampton
2016 “Mages and Fairies: Péladan’s Initiatory System,” Watkins Bookshop, London.
2016 “Sâr Péladan, Lucifer, Art and Angels,” Treadwell’s Bookshop, London.
2015 “Occult Power in Greek Icons”, Treadwell’s Bookshop, London
2015 “Joséphin Péladan’s Place in the History of Ideas,” Invited Guest Lecture, Gothenburg University, Sweden
2015 “Freemasonry, Sacred Art, and the Orthodox Tradition,” Invited Guest Lectures at Lund and Gothenburg, Sweden.
2015 “Joséphin Péladan’s Literary Esotericism: Crossing the Threshold of Modernism,” Conference on Esoteric Modernism, Aarhus University, Denmark.
2014 “The Many Faces of Joséphin Péladan,” Treadwell’s Bookshop, London.
2013 “Joséphin Péladan’s Vision of Ensouled Art,” 1st Neo-Symbolist Salon, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
2012 “Neomythology and Mythopoeia: The Esoteric Landscape of Modern Greece,” International Conference on Contemporary Esotericism, University of Stockholm
2012 “Ideal, Hierarchy, Tradition: Re-enchanting the fin-de-siècle,” EASR Annual Conference, Södertörn University, Sweden.
2012 “Studying Western Esotericism in a World in Crisis,” 2nd Alternative Research Symposium, Athens, Greece.
2011 “Hieroglyphs of Nature and the Renaissance Emblematic Worldview,” ISSRNC Conference on Religion, Art, and Nature, Vatican Museums, Vatican City, Rome
2011 “Contemporary Hellenic Paganism and Nationalist Politics in Modern Greece,” Western Esotericism and Politics Panel, AAR Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA
2011 “The Hidden and the Visible: Symbols and Silent Languages,” OuUnPo (Ouvroir d’Univers Potentiel-Vision Forum), symposium, Athens, Greece
2011 “A Babylonian Mage in fin-de-siècle Paris,” 3rd ESSWE Conference: Lux in Tenebris, The Visual and Symbolic in Western Esotericism, University of Szeged, Hungary.
2009 “Beware Titans Bearing Gifts: Art, Imagination, and Initiation,” 1st International Phoenix Rising Conference, University of Indianapolis, Athens.
2009 “Corfu, Crucible of Change: A Multicultural Island of Masonic Revolutionary Secrets,” 2nd ESSWE International Conference: Capitals of European Esotericism and Transcultural Dialogue, Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme-Alsace, Strasbourg, France.
2009 “Sacred Fire: Panentheism in the Philosophy and Work of Nikolai Roerich,” University of Indianapolis Athens.
2009 “Michael Maier’s Atalanta Fugiens as an Initiatory Path,” Keystone Philosophical Society Annual Lecture.
2008 “The Eye of the Storm: PRomethean Man and the Esoteric Counter-Enlightenment,” International Conference on Literature & the Media in Interfaith Dialogue, University of Indianapolis Athens.
2004 “Thoughtforms and the Creative Process,” University of Indianapolis Athens
2003 “Synesthesia and the Colour of Words,” University of Indianapolis Athens.
Upcoming 2024-5
2024-5 Research literacy and critical thinking for soft tissue therapists CPD workshops, The ST School, Exmouth, Devon.
(in development) Research literacy and manuscript development for clinicians, CPD workshops, University of Patras, Greece
2021- “Research & Manuscript Development,” MSc Program in Therapeutic Exercise, School of Physiotherapy, University of Patras
2022-24 Introduction to the Academic Study of Western Esotericism, 12 month workshop series, Treadwell’s
2022: Joséphin Péladan’s System for Self-Initiation, 6 week workshop series, Treadwell’s
2021-22: “Birth of the Greek Gods” 16 week course, Treadwell’s
2021: Secrets of Greek Sacred Art, 5 week course, Treadwell’s
2021: “Introduction to Western Esotericism” 12-week course, Treadwell’s.
2020- “Literature” and “Public Speaking,” Andrioti Lifelong Learning School, Corfu
– Academic Writing (undergraduates)
– Academic & Research Literacy (undergraduates)
– Critical thinking for the classroom (faculty training courses)
– Teaching through the arts (faculty training courses)
– Art literacy (general public / adult CPD)
– Course design & development: English as a Foreign Language
Andrioti Language Institute / Andrioti Lifelong Learning School
2008-2013 Visiting lecturer in History & Philosophy, University of Indianapolis, Athens
– Teaching Academic Writing (faculty training)
– English as a Foreign Language
Kontada Language Institute, Athens
2005-2006 Teacher of English as a Foreign Language, Euroaccess Language Institute, Piraeus
2003 Teacher of English as a Foreign Language, Spanou Language Institute, Corfu.
As sole or co-manager
2019-2022 Organisation and curation of 25 solo and group exhibitions, 2 seminars, and 5 lectures for The Attic Gallery Corfu.
2017 Art vs. Praxis Symposium, Glastonbury Experience, Glastonbury.
2014 Art’s Revolution Three-day arts festival and lecture series, Plous Cultural Space, Corfu.
2012 Mapping the Occult City: Exploring Magick and Esotericism in the Urban Utopia Pre-conference symposium for the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religions- Depaul University, Chicago.
2011 Demons in the Academy: Renouncing Rejected Knowledge, Again? Parallel Session at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, San Francisco
2011 Western Esotericism in a Brave New World, An Open Evening with Phoenix Rising Academy, Treadwell’s, London
2010 Phoenix Rising Academy Launch Events: Athens, Salonica, Alexandroupolis.
2009 Death and Rebirth in Philosophy, Literature and Art: A Dying Society or a Renaissance for the 21st Century? 1st Phoenix Rising International Conference, University of Indianapolis, Athens
2008 Ancient Greek Mysteries and Philosophy, Esoteric Quest Conference, hosted by New York Open Center in Samothrace, Greece
2004-2009 Organisation & promotion of live concerts for a variety of Athenian music spaces.

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Book a talk
A seasoned and inspiring speaker, Sasha delivers expert lectures, workshops, and masterclasses on a variety of topics. Virtual or in person, she will be happy to discuss your needs. Click below for excerpts from past talks and a list of topic areas.